
Dollface Beauty

Prevention and Work Place Safety Plan:

County of Los Angeles Department Public Health
Office of Communications and Public Affairs
313 N. Figueroa Street, Room 806
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone (213) 240-8141 Fax (213) 481-1406
Email [email protected]

Report a Violation
(888) 700-995 (M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm)
Email [email protected]

Covid-19 Testing
Exer Urgent Care
725 S Pacific Coast Highway
Redondo Beach CA, 90277
Phone (424) 296-3100
Open 7 days a week 9am – 9pm

Reopening Guidelines

Responding to Covid-19 in the Workplace

Health Screening

Outdoor Operation Safety

Customer Signage


A. Workplace Polices and Practices to Protect Workers Health

  • All 3 business owners working under the Sweet Serenity Day Spa establishment license are aware that they should not come to work if sick, or exposed to Covid-19 in any capacity. All 3 business owners understand and will follow DPH guidance for self-isolation and quarantine if exposure occurs.
  • In the event of a positive Covid-19 test or symptoms consistent with Covid-19 each business owner will immediately self-isolate/quarantine consistent with DPH guidelines and all close contacts will be contacted and notified of potential exposure.
  • If 3 or more cases of Covid-19 occur within the workplace within a span of 14 days, the cluster will be reported to the Department of Public Health at (888) 397-3993 or (213) 240-7821.
  • Staggered appointments and salon entry by guests have been implemented to maximize physical distancing.
  • All business owners located at 218 Avenida Del Norte will seek medical attention if/when necessary.
  • All business owners will conduct a remote health screening each day before entering the building.
  • All business owners will provide and wear appropriate face coverings when required.
  • Face coverings will be washed or replaced each day.
  • When working on a customer that cannot wear a mask or face covering the worker will wear a face shield in addition to a face mask that that covers nose and mouth.
  • Face shields will be used, cleaned and disinfected per the manufacturer’s directions.
  • Workers will wash or sanitize hands before and after using or adjusting all face coverings.
  • Workers will avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • All workstations are separated by the fact that we each work in our own secluded rooms. Since our individual entryways are not distanced by six feet we will stagger entrance and exits so that six feet or more is always maintained.
  • Break areas, restrooms, and common areas are disinfected frequently and after each use.
  • Break areas are disinfected before and after use by the individual utilizing the area.
  • Restrooms are disinfected before and after use by workers and also by whatever worker is allowing client access to the restroom.
  • All common areas are disinfected after contamination as well as the beginning, middle, and end of work day.
  • If breaks are taken in common areas they are staggered so that six feet between workers can be properly maintained at all times.
  • When working outside all workers will be in compliance with the Cal/OSHA standard for heat illness prevention and follow the written plan provided.
  • All workers are encouraged to wear and reapply sunblock as needed if and when exposed to the sun. Outdoor work area for the most part is located outside of direct sunlight.
  • All workers will communicate client schedules while sharing the outdoor space to ensure proper social distancing as well as time to clean and disinfect appropriately.
  • Outdoor operations will be in compliance with Cal/OSHA and code requirements to reduce risk of electrical hazards, and tripping over wires.
  • Workers will not share food or beverage with consume food/drink items only in designated break areas. Designated break areas are the ‘Kitchen’ and individual rooms when clients are not present.
  • Gloves will be worn in compliance with written safety instructions while disinfecting work areas with EPA approved cleaners.
  • Workers will be required to supply their own disinfectants and will store them in an appropriate location for their needs.
  • All workers will be required to supply their own hand sanitizer located in their own workspace respectively. A community hand sanitizer is located at the business entrance provided by the establishment.
  • Each worker will supply their own work supplies, tools, and equipment within their own designated workspace. Sharing is discouraged however all shared equipment will be cleaned and disinfected by both parties before and after use.
  • Dollface Beauty is its own business entity located within the Sweet Serenity Day Spa establishment. All three business owners sharing a common business location will be required to stay informed, create, and follow their own written protocol as well as effectively communicate and work together to provide a clean and safe work environment for each other and each businesses clients.


B. Measures to Ensure Physical Distancing

  • Physical distancing will be maintained by workers and customers unless a service is being provided that requires close contact. Signs will be provided reminding workers and customers to maintain a minimum of six feet of space as well as social media reminders as well as being listed on our website.
  • All appointments will be scheduled with a minimum of 30 minutes between clients to provide time to properly clean and disinfect all tools and workspace. Walk in appointments will not be available at this time.
  • Clients are asked to wait in their car upon arrival and alert worker of their arrival. Worker will notify client when it is safe and appropriate to approach the salon.
  • Clients are informed to arrive alone and not to bring guests. If they arrive with guests they will be asked to wait at a different location.
  • Physical greetings will cease to enforce physical distancing.


C. Measures for Infection Control

  • Dollface Beauty maintains a log of all client information.
  • Symptom check signage will be posted for all clients to read prior to receiving services. If the symptom check is not passed they will be rescheduled for a later date least 14 days in the future.
  • Disposable gloves are worn for all required services and will not replace proper hand sanitizing or regular hand washing.
  • All reception areas as well as amenities are closed for the foreseeable future.
  • Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, tissues and trash cans are available to clients at all workstations.
  • Workers will wear a face covering at all times and face shield when necessary. Disposable gloves will be worn during procedures and while cleaning and disinfecting all implements and surfaces.
  • Clients will be required to wear face coverings unless providing a service that requires removal of the face covering. The client will be instructed when it is safe to remove covering and when to replace it. Clients that arrive without a face covering will be provided one to purchase. Individuals instructed not to wear a face covering by their medical professional are exempt from wearing one.
  • A new scrub top will be worn for each customer.
  • Dollface Beauty functions in a way that all high traffic common areas, as well as frequently touched items, and payment portals are to be cleaned, and disinfected after every customer.
  • Hospital grade EPA approved products are used to clean anything and everything the client comes into contact with, following the manufacture’s recommended contact time.
  • All appliances and workstations will be properly disinfected between clients as required by the California Sate Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
  • Treatment tables will be covered by table paper or a ‘wax pad’
  • Dirty linens (smocks) will be placed in a closed container and not used again until properly laundered.
  • Clean linens will be stored in a clean covered place and dirty linens will only be handled while wearing gloves.


D. Measures That Communicate To The Public

  • All measures that communicate to the public are mentioned previously in the above work plan.
  • A copy of this plan is available at public entrances as well as on our online website.
  • Signage is posted in a conspicuous place including pictograms as well as being made available through email, social media, and website.